Health & Fitness

6 Factors To Get Your Invisalign Clear Braces From An Orthodontist

invisible braces Wimbledon

Invisalign is the latest innovative technology to bring your teeth to perfect alignment. It uses a series of clear plastic aligners to exert gentle pressure on the teeth. The aim is to facilitate teeth movement a little at a time.  The clear plastic aligner trays remain virtually hidden inside the mouth.  Interestingly, the treatment easily comes under general, cosmetic and orthodontic branches of dentistry. In easier words you can get the treatment from a general dentist, an orthodontist as well as a cosmetic dentist. But before starting your invisalign journey, make sure your chosen professional is certified to provide the treatment. As a matter of fact there are strong reasons to get the treatment from an orthodontist. 

You should better go through the reasons discussed in the following section of the blog post before taking a confirmed decision.

  • Qualification is important – Orthodontists are meant to move the teeth. That is what they are supposed to do and that is what their job is. In fact their entire training and course curriculum revolve around moving the teeth. After completing the standard dental school they enrol for higher training that involves the art and the science of moving the teeth. However they are also taught to deal with abnormalities of the jaws – like open bite, cross bite, overbite and others. These professionals invariably spend the greater part of day straightening the teeth and perfecting smiles. It makes a lot of logic when you go to none other but a registered orthodontist to shift your teeth into the right alignment, sort out TMJ issues or correct bite problems. Remember the fact – all orthodontists are dentists but all dentists are never orthodontist.
  • Hands on experience – it is not just about the clear braces treatment, any medical or dental procedure you undergo , it is obvious that you want to rely on a professional who is highly experienced and bears a good reputation. Such technically sound orthodontic experts are more likely to bring you desired results. 
  • Precision movement of the teeth – orthodontists are pretty knowledgeable in this field. Thus they can gauge right from the start whether invisalign technology is suitable for a patient or not. If the expert thinks a patient is not suitable for it, he is most likely to refer other procedures that will be more helpful for the individual. Invisalign is not exact the solution that fits everyone. Some patients are actually better candidates either for traditional fixed braces or clear braces. You may be recommended for the kind of treatment you do not want. But at the day the aim is to achieve a healthy, appealing and gorgeous smile. Therefore it is always the best to fall in line with your orthodontist’s recommendation when it comes to treatment selection.  
  • The options available – invisalign has evolved a lot in the present times and now it exists in a number of varieties. A general dentist or a cosmetic dentist may not have extensive knowhow or first-hand experience in different types of the treatment like – Invisalign Lite, Invisalign Full, Invisalign First, Invisalign Teen, Invisalign Express to name a few.
  • Aesthetic concern – patients are obviously interested to know how their teeth look and how much aesthetic improvement has been achieved. Orthodontists – among all other qualified oral health experts – are also interested about the aesthetics of the teeth and additionally concerned about issues like spacing, alignment of the jaws, a strong bite and obviously sound oral health in the long run. Whereas cosmetic dentists are known to offer this cutting-edge teeth straightening treatment simply as a part of their menu service as it beautifies the teeth and smile. So if you want to beautify your smile along with true alignment of the teeth you should better get the treatment from an orthodontist. 
  • Advanced technology at finger tips – orthodontic experts have the latest technology under their command as well as the necessary equipment and appliances. Patients are comfortably seated for fast 3D impressions. Digital scanner, high tech software and a lot of other resources go in to facilitate your invisalign treatment at the hands of an orthodontist. Moreover these experts walk the extra mile to create the accurate digital model of your teeth and the jaws in order to create the most precise treatment plan for you. 

Considering all these facts and factors, an increasing number of patients seek their invisible braces Wimbledon at a reputed practice where the treatment is categorically provided by orthodontists.  At our practice, we want to give you teeth that you can show with confidence and we also want to see your improved smile. Contact us today to schedule your consultation check-up.



About Author

Greetings, I am Pankaj Pandey, a dedicated professional with eight years of experience in the dynamic field of digital marketing. My journey in this ever-evolving landscape began with a genuine passion for exploring the vast potential that digital platforms offer for brand promotion and customer engagement. Specializing in SEO, social media marketing, content strategy, and online advertising, I have cultivated a strategic mindset and innovative approach that sets me apart. My campaigns have consistently increased brand visibility and delivered measurable results, showcasing my adaptability to industry trends and technological advancements. As the site owner and author of, I combine my digital marketing expertise with insightful content creation. This platform reflects my commitment to sharing knowledge, providing valuable insights, and guiding businesses towards success in the digital era. My journey is a testament to my unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in the digital marketing realm. I look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible in the ever-evolving world of online promotion.

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